Why your next part should be machined by the fabrication expert
September 16, 2015
Small steps really can deliver giant leaps – just ask our customers
December 16, 2015Toyota Effect Short Films show how the Toyota Production System can help organizations of all kinds – like ACE METAL CRAFTS COMPANY – find better ways of doing things
On September 27th, Toyota premiered a series of five-minute films at the New York Film Festival Convergence. Through the Toyota Effect (#TheToyotaEffect, @ToyotaUSA) – Short Films, the giant automaker shared how its Toyota Production System (TPS) can do a lot of good for people and organizations of all types.
In “116 Innovators,” Academy-Award nominated filmmaker Steve James shares the story of how small changes to everyday operations can have a great impact on the people and business at metal fabricator and machine shop ACE METAL CRAFTS COMPANY. The Illinois-based company, with 116 employees, has enjoyed a collaborative relationship with Toyota since 2011.
“They have helped us see our processes differently, and how small changes in how we manufacture a part can significantly increase throughput while maintaining quality.” – JEAN PITZO, ACE METAL CRAFTS COMPANY CEO
While it’s clear how TPS can be valuable on the manufacturing floor, Toyota has focused on sharing its vaunted process system with nonprofits and non-manufacturing organizations too. “They are creating collaborative experiences and giving back to groups of all kinds, taking people and organizations to places they never imagined,” Jean Pitzo adds. “Toyota is masterful at optimizing processes. And when they share their expertise with groups open to recognizing and accepting their challenges, and making the necessary changes to improve, the effect can be exponential and transformative.”
ACE is known for delivering value not only through key capabilities but also through integration of proven Lean processes in a short run, high-variety environment. Leadership at the company has fostered a culture of empowerment where generic modafinil online employees have the responsibility and authority to make improvements and do what’s right for the customer, resulting in improved service, quality, speed, and total cost for customers.
“We really appreciate collaborating with such a successful manufacturer, one that embraces a philosophy of sharing what you do best. The short films that are part of the Toyota Effect provide great examples of how TPS can improve processes in various settings.” – JEAN PITZO
The short film “116 Innovators” is available on acemetal.com.
Keep the conversation going: #TheToyotaEffect and @ToyotaUSA.
Direct Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jga9-pFPI0M