The Spark

July 1, 2024

Kevin Bailey’s Incredible ACE Career

Thirty-five years ago, Kevin Bailey followed his instincts and accepted an Estimator role at Ace Metal Crafts Company, offered by Jack Lichter, the owner of ACE at the time. Even though he and his wife were in the midst of buying a house and starting their family, Kevin believed Jack’s company was different from any company he had worked with, or for, and felt compelled to shift his career path to ACE.
August 3, 2023

National Association for Business Resources Announces the 2023 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For Winners

The Best and Brightest Companies to Work For® is proud to announce and honor the newest 2023 winning companies. Only companies that distinguish themselves as having the most innovative business acumen and human resource practices can be bestowed this honor. (See following list for winners). Considering the ten to one ratio of this program, these winning companies are truly innovative in their employee engagement execution.
April 10, 2023

Jean Pitzo Celebrates 40 Years With ACE

Successful entrepreneurs recognize opportunities and develop strategies to succeed. Children of entrepreneurs often have a front row seat to the rewards - and challenges - in building successful organizations. When these “next generation” entrepreneurs, armed with first-hand insight and entrepreneurial spirit enter the business sector, they have tremendous potential to create even greater successes than their predecessors.